Changed Octavia's $time to produce the unix timestamp instead of the frivolous PHP date("r"), which was basically the same as Octavia's now(), only with slightly less flexibility.
New extensions for lexical functions (think levenshtein distance), pretty date functions.
Finished feeds extension. It can now stuff an RSS entry into a virtual Cadre entry and apply a Cadre template to those virtual entries. There are some abstract methods for hypothetically working with other external sources as well, if a backend can be written. The results are used on for Tumblr blog display.
page_list() now takes an optional second parameter which adds title-text to the links to hint at their first and last elements. 0: no tips, 1: entry titles, 2: entry dates. If unspecified, 1 is assumed. This is a little DB-heavy, though, so there are certainly going to always be many applications where disabling it would be desired.
helper.php has grown somewhat; templates have become more advanced in mode display. Considering changing the basic [show modes: ...] syntax to be per-permission (edit modes, read modes, direct modes, activate modes, comment modes) to bypass current/bad "hide edit mode, etc" hacks.