Octavia Language Reference
Page: (c)

Word of the Day: file_upload(argname, destpath, maxsize)
base. Captures a file provided by the user from temporary storage and copies it to the specified location.
cache_purge(table). base. Deletes the per-session cache for the specified table.
file_upload(argname, destpath, maxsize). base. Captures a file provided by the user from temporary storage and copies it to the specified location.
getu(name). base. Returns data from the user's extended information table under the record name.
getv(name). base. Returns data from the user's extended information table under the record name.
putu(name, data). base. Stores data inside of the user's extended information table under the record name.
putv(name, data). base. Stores data inside of the entry's body under the record name.
query(name, pagesize, sort, field, value, ...). base. Returns a special object that is used for more sophisticated display of pages.
rand(). base. Returns a random number between 0 and MAX_INT.
split(terms). base. Returns an array consisting of terms separated into individual lines.

9 entries.

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