[show modes: view edit info] [begin mode view] [ page("abbr", $_id, list("full")); $q = query("children", 25, "id ASC, title", "parent", $_id); $qc = query_count($q); if($qc != "0") {<h2>Comments</h2>[query_view("view", $q)]}; ] [end mode view] [begin mode bare] [$_body] [end mode bare] [begin mode abbr2] <li><a href="/?[$_title]">[$_title]</a> ([$_subtitle]) [$children = children("abbr", $_id); iif($children, echo("<ol>" & $children & "</ol>"), "");] </li> [end mode abbr2] [begin mode abbr3] <li><a href="/?[$_title]" title="[$_subtitle]">[$_title]</a></li> [end mode abbr3] [begin mode delete] [$n = delete_page($_id); children("delete", $_id); if($n == "1") { <p><b>[$_title]</b> has been removed from <b>[get_title($_parent)]</b>.</p> } else { <p><b>[$_title]</b> could not be removed from <b>[get_title($_parent)]</b> by you ([$_viewer.name]). If you feel that should be able to do so, now might be a good time to <a href="mailto:hexadecima@gmail.com">complain and/or whine</a>.</p> }] <p><a href="/?id=[$_parent]">Return to [get_title($_parent)]</a></p> [end mode delete] [begin mode abbr] [msg_start({position: relative; padding-bottom: 30px;})] [ if($_args[0] != "no_icon") { <div style="font-size: 70%; margin: 0px; border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.15); padding: 4px; margin-right: 15px; float: left; text-align: center; background: rgba(0,0,0,0.05); box-shadow: 1px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);"> [ if($_args[0] == "inherit") {[ if(has_mode("icon", $_parent)) {[ page("icon", $_parent); ]} else if($_owner.profile_id != 0) {[ page("icon", $_owner.profile_id); ]}; ]} else if($_owner.profile_id != 0) { [page("icon", $_owner.profile_id);] }; ] [ if(can_direct() + can_edit()) {<p style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; margin-top: 5px;">}; if(can_edit()) {<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=edit">edit</a>[if(can_direct()) { · }]}; if(can_direct()) {<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=delete">delete</a>}; if(can_direct() + can_edit()) {</p>}; ] </div> } else {[ if(can_edit() + can_direct()) {<p style="display: block; float: right; margin: 0px; font-size: 80%;">}; if(can_edit()) {<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=edit">edit</a>[if(can_direct()) { · }]}; if(can_direct()) {<a href="/?id=[$_id]&mode=delete">delete</a>}; if(can_edit() + can_direct()) {</p>}; ]}; ] <a href="?id=[$_id]"><b>[$_title]</b></a><br> <div style="width: auto !important; padding: 0 !important;"> [ $b = replace($_body, "[snip]", ""); $d = strpos($_body, "[snip]"); if($_args[0] != "full") {[ if($d != "-1") {[ _wiki_format({[substr($b, 0, $d)] ["["]#[$_id]["|(…)]"]}); ]} else {[ _wiki_format($b); ]}; ]} else {[ _wiki_format($b); ]}; ] </div> <span class="caption newstag" style="font-size: 80%; bottom: 8px; left: 8px; position: absolute;"> <a href="/?id=[$_parent]">[if(get_template($_parent) != 8) get_title($_parent) else page("blog_title", $_parent)]</a> </span> <span class="caption newstag" style="font-size: 80%; bottom: 8px; right: 8px; position: absolute;"> [ $q = query({children_[$_id]}, 0, "id", "parent", $_id); if(can_comment()) {<a href="?id=[$_id]&mode=comment">comment</a> · }; $qc = query_count($q); if($d == "-1") {[ $bleft = 0; ]} else {[ $bleft = (len($b) - $d); ]}; if($_args[0] != "full") {[ if($bleft != 0) {[ if($qc != "0") { <a href="/?id=[$_id]">read more ([$qc] comment[iif($qc != 1, "s", "")], [$bleft] bytes)</a> · } else {<a href="/?id=[$_id]">read more ([$bleft] bytes)</a> · }; ]} else {[ if($qc != "0") {<a href="/?id=[$_id]">read more ([$qc] comment[iif($qc != 1, "s", "")])</a> · }; ]}; ]}; ] [if(soft_age[$_subtitle] == "") { [soft_age($_date)] ago } else { [soft_age($_subtitle)] ago }; ] </span> <div style="clear: both;"></div> [msg_end()] [end mode abbr] [begin mode table] <tr><td style="width: 120px !important"> [substr($_subtitle, 5, 11)] </td><td style="width: 240px !important"> <a href="/?[$_title]">[$_title]</a> </td></tr> [end mode table] [begin mode info] <table> <tr><th>Title:</th><td>[info_display($_title)]</td></tr> <tr><th>Date (subtitle):</th><td>[info_display($_subtitle)]</td></tr> <tr><th>Parent:</th><td>[$_parent]</td></tr> <tr><th>Permissions:</th><td>[$_permissions]</td></tr> <tr><th>Author:</th><td>[$_author]</td></tr> <tr><th>Group:</th><td>[$_group]</td></tr> <tr><th>ID:</th><td>[$_id]</td></tr> <tr><th>Template:</th><td>[$_template]</td></tr> <tr><th>Body:</th><td>[info_display($_body)]</td></tr> <tr><th>Body Alternate:</th><td>[replace(info_display($_body), "&", "&")]</td></tr> </table> [end mode info] [begin mode edit] <form method="post" action="/"> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="[$_id]"> <input type="hidden" name="mode" value="submit"> <table> <tr><th>Title:</th><td><input type="text" class="textbox" name="title" value="[edit_display($_title)]" style="width: 100%"></td></tr> [if($_subtitle == "") $_subtitle = $_date;] <tr><th>Category:</th><td><select name="parent"> <option value="[$_parent]" selected>[get_title($_parent)]</option> [ // index("option", title2id("Galaxy")); ] </select> </td></tr> <tr><th>Body:</th><td><textarea class="textbox" name="body" rows="20" cols="70">[edit_display($_body)]</textarea> <span style="font-size: 80%; display: block;">You may use PP-style wiki formatting here. Type <tt>["[snip]"]</tt> to get an LJ-like cut.</span> </td></tr> <tr><td></td><td> <input name="submitButton" class="submit" type="submit" value="Submit"> <i>your permissions</i>: [summarize_permissions($_viewer.permissions)]</td></tr></table> </form> [end mode edit] [begin mode submit] [ $_title = $_params.title; $_parent = $_params.parent; $_body = $_params.body; ] <h2>It was submitted.</h2> <a href="/?[$_title]">Return to it.</a> [end mode submit] [begin mode comment] [_post_comment($_id)] [end mode comment] [begin mode comment_submit] [$title = {Comment on [$_title] at [now()] by [$_viewer.ip]}; $e = new_page($title, $_id); if($e) {[ set_body($e, $_params.body); set_template($e, title2id("Generic Comment")); set_permissions($e, "cadrec--r-c-dr-c--r-"); msg_start();] Commented successfully!<br> <a href="/?id=[$_id]">Return to the article.</a> [msg_end(); ]} else {[ msg_start();] Couldn't comment.<br> Maybe you don't have permissions?<br> Are you logged in?<br> <a href="/?id=[$_id]">Return to the article.</a> [msg_end(); ]}; ] [end mode comment_submit]